InTDS ArchivebySamuele MazzantiUsing Causal ML Instead of A/B TestingIn complex environments, Causal ML is a powerful tool because it is more flexible than A/B Testing, and it doesn’t require strong…Nov 29, 202217Nov 29, 202217
InThe StartupbyMaria PaskevichThe ultimate guide to A/B testing. Part 1: experiment designA/B testing is a very popular technique of checking granular changes in a product without mistakenly taking into account changes that were…May 28, 20197May 28, 20197
InTDS ArchivebyEmma Ding7 A/B Testing Questions and Answers in Data Science InterviewsA/B tests, a.k.a controlled experiments, are used widely in industry to make product launch decisions. It allows tech companies to…Jan 18, 202113Jan 18, 202113
InTDS ArchivebySamuele MazzantiData Scientists Need to Know Just One Statistical TestAfter you read this, you will be able to test any possible statistical hypothesis. With a unique algorithm.Jun 30, 202221Jun 30, 202221
InTDS ArchivebyKelly PengA Summary of Udacity A/B Testing CourseRecently I finished the A/B testing course by Google on Udacity. The course has been highly recommended to people who want to learn about…Nov 13, 201714Nov 13, 201714
Jairaj PhaseDoing A/B Tests the right way!A/B testing is an effective method that product managers use to validate their hypothesis and make important decisions. Whether we need to…May 2, 2022May 2, 2022
InTDS ArchivebyMaria PaskevichThe ultimate guide to A/B testing. Part 4: non-parametric testsA/B testing is a very popular technique for checking granular changes in a product without mistakenly taking into account changes that…Feb 25, 20208Feb 25, 20208
InTDS ArchivebyMaria PaskevichThe ultimate guide to A/B testing. Part 2: Data distributionsA/B testing is a very popular technique for checking granular changes in a product without mistakenly taking into account changes that…Aug 12, 20191Aug 12, 20191
InMachine Learning TurkiyebyBurak TirasWhat is Shapiro-Wilk Test and How it Relates to Gaussian Distribution?Whenever we are to conduct a statistical study, the first thing we do is to run an Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA), which is simply looking…Apr 14, 2022Apr 14, 2022
Uğur SavcıStep by Step A/B Testing for Data Scientists.Learn necessary steps to build an effective A/B Test.Feb 24, 20222Feb 24, 20222
Uğur SavcıStep by Step A/B Testing for Data Scientists.Learn necessary steps to build an effective A/B Test.Feb 24, 20222Feb 24, 20222
InTDS ArchivebyRenato FillinichAB testing with PythonFrom experimental design to hypothesis testingMay 28, 202020May 28, 202020
InData RunnerbyYiğit ŞenerVeri Biliminde Normal Dağılımın R ve Python ile Testi ve Yorumlanması (Skewness ve Kurtosis…Normal dağılıma dair serinin üçüncü yazısında öne çıkan normallik varsayımı testlerini R ve Python üzerinden kodlayarak bahsedeceğiz…Sep 20, 2020Sep 20, 2020
InTDS ArchivebyMaria PaskevichThe ultimate guide to A/B testing. Part 3: parametric testsA/B testing is a very popular technique for checking granular changes in a product without mistakenly taking into account changes that…Nov 26, 20194Nov 26, 20194